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Intermediate Level Linux Bash scripting by hands-on examples
Course contents
What you'll learn in this course (2:59)
Course Reading Materials
Next steps (2:01)
1- Introduction to Shells and Bashes
Lecture PDF File for Session 1
a- Korn and Bash Shells (6:23)
b- Comments, Command on Multiple Lines and Special Characters (6:33)
c- Pattern Matching & Complex Pattern (8:54)
2- Process Management
Lecture PDF File for Session 2
a- Process Priority and Background Jobs (4:53)
b- Signals, Traps, DEBUG and EXIT (3:23)
c- ksh and bash Co-Processing (7:48)
d- Pausing, Time and Date, Scheduling Executions & Aliases (12:10)
3- Writing Scripts
Lecture PDF File for Session 3
a- Shell Programming Language, and Reserved Words (4:02)
b- Write and Run Scripts, Debugging & Data Types, typeset, Constants & Predefined Variables (8:20)
c- echo, print, and printf & Accepting Input with ksh, and bash (6:30)
d- Arithmetic and Bitwise Operators and Floating-Point Numbers (7:32)
e- Grouping Operations & Binary, Octal, and Hexadecimal (3:42)
f- Indexed Arrays (4:29)
g- Quoting and Command Substitution (3:17)
4- Advanced Customization of the Shell Environment
Lecture PDF File for Session 4
a- Command Line Options and The Set Command (4:26)
b- Parents and Children and Inheritance & Exporting (6:09)
c- Dot and Startup Scripts (7:15)
d- Environment Variables & Setting Prompts in ksh and bash (4:27)
5- Programming Logic
Lecture PDF File for Session 5
a- Conditional Expressions & Testing Strings (10:32)
b- Testing Options and Numeric Conditions (16:15)
c- Testing Completion Status (3:54)
d- The case Statement (9:01)
e- Loops: while and until (7:42)
f- The for Loop (6:08)
g- select Statement and Redirection and Loops (16:01)
6- Advanced I/O with Streams
Lecture PDF File for Session 6
a- Redirection Review, Operators and Additional Streams (26:25)
b- Inheriting and Duplicating Streams (5:21)
c- Caution with exec and here document (7:14)
7- String Manipulation
Lecture PDF File for Session 7
a- String Comparison and Relations (9:00)
b- Concatenation and Substring Manipulations (11:52)
c- Wildcards and Pattern Matching (2:35)
8- Security
Lecture PDF File for Session 8
Process Ownership, suid and sgid, Restricted Shells & newgrp Command (13:09)
9- Command Line Processing
Lecture PDF File for Session 9
Positional Parameters (set, sort, shift), Analyzing Switches with Getopts Options & OPTARG with OPTIND (14:43)
10- Performance and Porting Issues
Lecture PDF file for Session 10
Timing Commands and Scripts, System Resources and Limits & Portability (13:51)
11- Overview of File Manipulation Utilities
Lecture PDF File for Session 11
ed or sed, Regular Expressions, grep, Stream Editor sed, Reports with awk (20:22)
12- Additional File Processing Commands
Lecture PDF File for Session 12
Examining and Comparing Files and more (6:47)
13- Functions
Lecture PDF File for Session 13
Writing Functions, Returning Values & Local and Global Variables (5:12)
14- Compound Commands
Lecture PDF File for Session 14
Pipelines, Command Lists, And and Or Lists & I/O Redirection (10:12)
Project 1- Find Missing Files in a Directory
Project Source Files
Find Missing Files in a Directory (5:13)
Project 2- Directory Traversal through a Filesystem Tree
Project Source Files
Directory Traversal (14:03)
Project 3- Six Hands-on Bash Scripting Examples
PDF File for Project 3
Example 1. Line Count Script (8:18)
Example 2. Running a loop in the background (5:25)
Example 3. Testing whether a string is null (14:49)
Example 4: Picking a random card from a deck (14:25)
Example 5: Listing all users on the system (7:29)
Example 6: Breaking out of multiple loop levels (6:19)
b- Concatenation and Substring Manipulations
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