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Introduction to Linux Bash and Shell Scripting
Course contents
What you'll learn in this course (2:58)
Course Reading Materials
Next steps (1:36)
1- Basic User Commands
Lecture PDF File for Session 1
a- Log in/out & Navigating via Command Line (6:53)
b- Navigating filesystem and more (6:51)
c- Basic User Commands (26:13)
2- Intro to Shells and Fish Bash Scripting
Lecture PDF File for Session 2
a- I/O Redirection and Pipes (13:46)
b- Command Separation , Background Execution, and Filename Expansion (4:23)
c- Shell Variables, Command Substitution, Quoting and Escaping Metacharacters (10:23)
d- Fish shell Features (2:53)
e- Command Execution, Startup Files & Customizing the User Environment (2:37)
3- Shell Programming
Lecture PDF File for Session 3
a- Shell Scripts, Variables, Data Types and I/O (21:55)
b- Conditional Constructs- if/then and else/elif (2:54)
c- for, while and until Looping Constructs (8:12)
d- Basic Operators (10:51)
4- Advanced Shell Features
Lecture PDF File for Session 4
a- Manipulating Strings (2:21)
b- Writing and Calling Functions (1:48)
c- Command Line Arguments, Special Shell Variables & Advanced I/O with Streams (10:48)
5- Text Manipulation Utilities
Lecture PDF File for Session 5
a- Editing and Manipulating Files (9:25)
b- Regular Expressions (2:03)
c- grep, egrep and sed (9:43)
d- Sorting in Scripts (1:23)
e- Working with awk (5:26)
f- Splitting Large Files, Transforming File Contents & Extracting Text Strings (8:12)
6- Networking Commands
Lecture PDF File for Session 6
a- UNIX Network Applications (2:21)
b- Internet Applications and Remote Access (2:00)
c- Using the Secure Shell or SSH (4:32)
Project 1- Bash scripting via 12 hands-on examples
PDF File for Project 1
1- Using While Loop (7:12)
2- Using For Loop (6:00)
3- Get User Input (2:31)
4- Using if statement (4:23)
5- Using if statement with AND logic (7:39)
6- Using if statement with OR logic (5:09)
7- Using else if statement (6:32)
8- Using Case Statement (6:22)
9- Create Function (3:05)
10- Create function with Parameters (4:45)
11- Pass Return Value from Function (5:46)
12- Get Parse Current Date (9:22)
Project 2- Grep command via 10 hands-on examples
PDF File for Project 2
Ex 1-3: Find a Single Charterer, String, & Special Character in a Text File (5:41)
Ex 4 and 5: Matching Lines Beginning or Ending with Certain Text (6:16)
Ex 6: Matching Lines of a Certain Length (4:23)
Ex 7: Matching Lines That Contain Any of Some Regexps (1:57)
Ex 8: Matching Lines That Contain All of Some Regexps (3:20)
Ex 9: Matching Lines That Only Contain Certain Characters (2:40)
Ex 10: Finding Phrases Regardless of Spacing (5:33)
Extra Homework for Bash Scripting
Bash scripting (21:32)
Course Reading Materials
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