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Learn Node.JS, Express.JS and MongoDB by examples
What you'll learn in this course (7:28)
Next steps (3:22)
1- JavaScript Refresher and Node.JS Installation
PDF File for session 1
1.1. Quick JavaScript Programming Refresher (10:20)
1.2. Node.JS Installation (4:11)
2- Intro to Node.js
PDF File for session 2
2.1. Refresher Essential Concepts (16:24)
2.2. What is NodeJS and NPM + lets code 1 (17:22)
2.3. Understanding NodeJS Modules + Let's code 2 (9:52)
2.4. Fundamental of NodeJS + Let's code 3 (5:14)
2.5. Error handling + lets code 4 + what is in next session (6:15)
3- Intro to Express.js
PDF File for session 3
3.1. What is ExpressJS up to Let's code 5 (22:22)
3.2. Intro to Middleware + Let's code 6 (6:16)
3.3. Intro to Routing + Let's code 7 (9:18)
3.4. Database connectivity + let's code 8 (3:25)
3.5. Error handing + let's code 9 + what is next session (10:10)
4- Intro to MongoDB
PDF File for session 4
4.1. Intro to MongoDB and lets code 10 (26:11)
4.2. MongoDB fundamentals and lets code 11 + what is next
1- Building RESTFUL API Using Express and MongoDB (37:22)
2- User Authentication System with MongoDB (21:51)
3- User Authentication System with SQL (26:41)
3- User Authentication System with SQL
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