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Hyperledger Fabric V2 management for system admins
Course contents
What you'll learn in this course (3:31)
1- Intro to Blockchain Technology (11:01)
2- How Blockchain Works (13:44)
3- Hyperledger Blockchain Ecosystem (6:49)
Next steps (2:11)
Course Reading Materials
4- Components and Architecture of Hyperledger Fabric
Components and Architecture- Lecture PDF Doc
1. Peers in Hyperledger Fabric (11:17)
2. Fabric Ordering Service or Orderer (10:15)
3. Fabric CA (Certificate Authority) (4:13)
4. Fabric Ledger (5:24)
5. Channels in Hyperledger Fabric (4:12)
6. Fabric Smart Contracts or Chaincodes (3:33)
7. Fabric Policies & Fabric Endorsement Policy (20:06)
8. Membership services provider (MSP) (3:01)
9. Design Fabric Network (12:46)
10. Installation & Setup Requirements (4:20)
5- Hyperledger Fabric Lifecycle Management
Application Lifecycle Management (19:18)
6- Install and Configure Network
1. World State Database, Multi-org & Ordering Service Config, TLS and Genesis Block (20:18)
7- Diagnostics and Troubleshooting
1. Query and Analyze Peer, Orderer, CA & Chaincode Logs (10:10)
8- Membership Service Provider
1. Configure ACL, End User Identity & Revoke an Identity (22:57)
9- Network Maintenance and Operations
PDF File for the Session 9
1. Add a Peer to Existing Organization (4:30)
2. Create a Channel (3:01)
3. Add an Org to a Channel & Update Channel Config (7:55)
Project 1- Create and Interact with Hyperledger Fabric Network
PDF File for the Project 1
a- Overview & Prerequisites (6:16)
b- Bring up the Test Network (12:42)
c- Creating a Channel (4:18)
d- Starting a Chaincode on the Channel (6:55)
e- Interacting with the network (13:48)
Project 2- Adding an Organization to Hyperledger Fabric Channel
Adding an Organization to Fabric channel (24:51)
7. Fabric Policies & Fabric Endorsement Policy
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