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Learn Go programming language by examples
Course contents
What you'll learn in this course
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1. Golang Installation, Setup, GOPATH, and Go Workspace
Installations, The Go tool, GOPATH, and Go Code Organization (7:22)
2. Hello Golang: Writing your first Golang Program
01- Hello World (5:42)
3. Golang Variables, Zero Values, and Type Inference
01- Variable Declaration and Data Types (4:21)
02- Zero values (4:05)
4. Golang Basic Types, Operators and Type Conversion
01- Numeric Types (7:55)
02- Characters (3:03)
03- Numeric Operations (5:50)
04- Boolean Types (6:24)
05- Complex Numbers (2:40)
06- Strings in Go (4:53)
07- Type Conversions (3:53)
5. Working with Constants in Golang
01- Constants (6:34)
6. Golang Control Flow Statements: If, Switch and For
01- if Condition (7:40)
02- if else Condition & if else if Condition (6:41)
03- switch Statement (4:31)
04- switch Combined Cases (3:33)
05- switch with no Expression (3:17)
06- for Loop, for without Unit Statement & Increment Statement (4:39)
07- for Infinite Loop, Loop with break & continue (4:38)
7. Introduction to Functions in Golang
01- Declaring and Calling Functions in Golang (5:51)
02- Functions with Multiple return Values (3:41)
03- Returning an error Value from a function (5:07)
04- Functions with Named return Values (4:28)
05- Blank Identifier (2:57)
8. A Beginner Guide to Packages in Golang
01- The main package and main() function (8:49)
02- Creating and Managing Custom Packages (6:32)
03- Adding 3rd Party Packages & Manually Installing Packages (6:47)
9. Working with Arrays in Golang
01- Declaring an Array in Golang & Accessing array Elements by their Index (8:45)
02- Initializing an array Using an array Literal (3:55)
03- array Value Types (6:05)
04- Iterating over an array in Golang (5:02)
05- Iterating over an array Using Range (3:54)
06- Multidimensional arrays in Golang (7:43)
10. Introduction to Slices in Golang
01- Creating and Initializing a slice (3:53)
02- Create slice from array or another slice (4:57)
03- Modify a slice (2:57)
04- Length and Capacity of a slice & extend slice Capacity (4:40)
05- Creating a slice Using the Built-in make() Function (1:30)
06- Copy slices (3:04)
07- slice append (4:13)
08- slice append capacity and append nil (5:57)
09- slice of slices (5:33)
10- slice Iterate for Loop, Range, and Range Blank Identifier (6:00)
What you'll learn in this course
What you learn.pdf
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