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Learn Kotlin programming language by examples
Course contents
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1. Kotlin Overview, Installation, and Setup
Kotlin Features, Installation & Setup (9:28)
2. Writing your first Kotlin program
Hello World (4:41)
3a- Kotlin Variables
Variables Overview (3:36)
3b- Kotlin Data Types
1- Arrays (4:23)
2- Numeric Types (3:03)
3- Strings (2:48)
4- Type Conversions (2:23)
4. Kotlin Operators with Examples
1- Operations on Numeric Types (2:43)
2- Bitwise Operators (1:50)
3- Operations on Boolean Types (3:08)
4- Operations on Strings (4:03)
5a. Kotlin Control Flow: if and when expressions
1- If Statement (3:55)
2- If Else Statement (2:56)
3- Using If as an Expression (4:35)
4- If-Else-If Chain (2:37)
5- When Expression (6:24)
5b. Kotlin for and while loops
1- While Loop (2:59)
2- do-while loop (2:34)
3- For Loop (5:40)
4- Break and Continue (5:17)
6. Nullable Types and Null Safety in Kotlin
1- Nullability and Nullable Types in Kotlin (1:53)
2- Working with Nullable Types (2:38)
3- Null Safety and Java Interoperability (9:24)
4- Nullability and Collections (2:07)
7. Kotlin Functions, Default and Named Arguments, Varargs and Function Scopes
1- Functions (4:27)
2- Default Arguments (4:05)
3- Named Arguments (3:34)
4- Local Functions (5:30)
5- Local/Nested Functions (4:45)
8. Kotlin Infix Notation - Make function calls more intuitive
Infix Notation (5:10)
3- Named Arguments
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