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Learn how to design No-SQL databases by examples
Course contents
What you'll learn in this course (3:07)
PDF File for All Lecture Sessions
Course Source Codes
Next steps (2:25)
Course Lectures- Session 1
Getting started with MongoDB (5:14)
Basic commands on mongo shell & Hello World! (2:48)
Course Lectures- Session 2
a- Create (3:43)
b- Update (3:43)
c- Read (2:56)
d- Delete (3:06)
e- Update of embedded documents (5:27)
f- More update operators (4:20)
g- "multi" Parameter while updating multiple documents (5:36)
Course Lectures- Session 3
List all collections in database (4:47)
Course Lectures- Session 4
a- Find() & FindOne() (7:07)
b- limit, skip, sort and count the results of the find() method (6:27)
c- Query Document - Using AND, OR and IN Conditions (7:31)
d- find() and Find() methods with Projection (3:24)
Course Lectures- Session 5
$set operator to update specified field(s) in document(s) (5:41)
Course Lectures- Session 6
Insert a document (4:18)
Course Lectures- Session 7
a- Create a Collection (3:21)
b- Drop Collection (3:37)
Course Lectures- Session 8
a- Count (2:35)
b- Sum (7:29)
c- Average (2:01)
d- Operations with arrays (2:13)
e- Aggregate query examples useful for work and learning (3:33)
f- Match (2:16)
g- Remove docs that have a duplicate field in a collection (dedupe) (3:14)
h- Left Outer Join with aggregation ( $Lookup) (7:40)
i- Server Aggregation (3:08)
Course Lectures- Session 9
a- Index Creation Basics (3:50)
b- Dropping/Deleting an Index (2:05)
c- Sparse indexes and Partial indexes (6:10)
d- Get Indices of a Collection (3:55)
e- Compound (5:09)
f- Unique Index, Single field, Delete and List (6:25)
Course Lectures- Session 10
Converting a field to another type and updating the entire collection in Bulk (2:35)
d- Operations with arrays
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