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Learn C++ programming by examples
Course contents
What you'll learn in this course (6:56)
Next steps (2:41)
1. C++ & OOP Overview
PDF file for session 1
a- C++ Overview, Translating a C++ program and Sample programs (18:50)
2. C++ Fundamental Types, Names, Variables and Keywords
PDF file for session 2
a- Integer & sample program 1 (6:38)
b- Floating-point type arithmetic type & sample program 2 (4:06)
c- Constants in C++, escape sequences & sample program 3 (5:20)
d- Names & sample program 4 (2:44)
e- Variables & sample program 5 (5:20)
f- Sample program 6 for keywords const and volatile (2:34)
Session 2 summary (0:47)
3. C++ Arithmetic Operations and More
PDF file for session 3
Program # 1: Simple Program (4:39)
Program # 2: Swap the Numbers (2:34)
Program # 3: Arithmetic Operation Sum (4:17)
Program # 4: Temperature Conversion to Centigrade (2:09)
Program # 5: Reverse Number (2:35)
4. If, else if & nested if with Examples
PDF file for session 4
Program # 1: Given number is Odd or Even (4:50)
Program # 2: Greater number from given Numbers (9:09)
Program # 3: Find out the Grade (7:54)
Program # 4: Find out the smaller Number (5:57)
5. Switch-Case in C++
PDF file for session 5
Program # 1: Vowel Character (12:26)
Program # 2: Arithmetic Operations (8:45)
6. for, while, do while and nested loop examples
PDF file for session 6
Program # 1 (for loop) : Day of Date (15:10)
Program # 2 (while loop): Colorful Text (9:04)
Program # 3 (do while loop): Prime Number (9:08)
Program # 4 (Nested Loop): Factors (8:10)
7. Structures in C++
Program # 1: Area (6:20)
Project 1- Program to calculate the age of human by entering date of birth (14:20)
Homework Exercises
Homework 1- Three exercises (4:35)
Homework 2- Four exercises (6:52)
Homework 3- Four exercises (11:16)
a- C++ Overview, Translating a C++ program and Sample programs
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