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Learn Vue.JS framework by examples
1. Intro to Vue.JS
a- Review of Vue.js & Hello World Example
b- Example 2: Hello World in Vue 2
2. Vue Components
a- Example 1: Component scoped (not global)
b- What are components and how to define components?
c- Local, Inline, and Data Registration
d- Events
3. Computed Properties
a- Data vs Computed Properties
b- Computed properties vs watch
c- Computed Setters & v-model
4. Conditional Rendering
a- Syntax & Examples
b- v-if
c- v-else
d- v-show and v-if / v-else
5. Custom Components with v-model
v-model on a counter component
6. Custom Directives
Syntax & Parameters & Examples
7. Custom Filters
Syntax & Parameters & Examples
8. Data Binding
Example 1: Text
Example 2: Raw HTML
Example 3: Attributes
Example 4: Filters
9. Dynamic Components
Example 1: Simple Dynamic Components
Example 2: Pages Navigation with keep-alive
Project- Shopping cart
Project PDF and source files
a- Implementing a shopping list using jQuery
b- Implementing a shopping list using Vue.js
c- Analyzing data binding using developer tools
d- Bringing user input to the data with two-way binding
e- Rendering the list of items using the v-for directive
f- Check and uncheck shopping list items
g- Adding new shopping list items using the v-on directive
e- Rendering the list of items using the v-for directive
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